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Wednesday, March 11, 2009


We are looking for racialized and indigenous girls, young women and women who are interested in contributing to “This is what Oppression SOUNDS like”

“This is what Oppression SOUNDS like” is an underground zine for and by racialized and indigenous women to anonymously discuss the intersecting realities of race and gender in their lives. This provides a space for racialized and indigenous girls and women to write safely without criticism in order to share their life experiences where historically their voices had been silenced. The zine is created and supported by members of the national racialized community who felt that their voices and experiences are continually being invalidated. “This is what Oppression SOUNDS like” is an unstructured space to share personal experiences and general thoughts through artwork, poetry and other written pieces. It will be published three times throughout the year with publication dates occurring in January, May and September. The zine will be available via an e-copy as well as a copy sent to every contributor.

Our first deadline submission is April 15, 2009. Please forward all digital submissions to . Physical artwork can be forwarded to:

859 Queens Ave.

Victoria, BC

Lekwungen Territory

v8t 4v8

**Please be advised that the artwork will be shown in black and white

The zine provides a safe space for racialized girls and women where they can write without worrying about dissenting comments which may sometimes serve to devalue their experiences. However “This is what Oppression SOUNDS like” provides an online space to blog to start discussion about what's being written and to have a stewardship and support system for the contributors. Your permission is required for this to take place.

**Please note this is entirely optional and your piece will still remain anonymous should you chose to do so. When you submit your piece, be sure to answer the following questions**

Can we post your piece online?

Yes No

Can we open your piece up for comments?

Yes No